Help Keep Your Birds Cool and Hydrated to Beat the Summer Heat

Lately the temperature has been rising higher than average, lasting longer than normal, and we’ve had less rain to break up the heat.


Much like us, birds keep cool by swimming or taking a little dip. After you watch a bird Submerge exposed skin to help cool their body temperature down some birds will fluff their feathers afterwards or open their wings. Both behaviors are a desperate attempt by the bird to catch a breeze optimizing the cooling effect because they are overheating.

Therefore, as we enter the hottest part of the summer, making sure we have fresh clean water available for our feathery friends is highly recommended and important. A bird bath can make a big difference especially when natural water sources are scarce in the area either from lack of rain or extreme heat.

Also, with this intense heat you might have noticed you have had less action at your feeders during the day. This is because birds prefer to rest in cooler places during the heat of the day. So, if you’re missing your birds - try getting up earlier in the morning or catching them later in the evenings to see the feeding frenzy at your feeders.

Birds, especially Bluebirds and chickadees, are looking for shade during the sunny parts of the day. Because of the increased temperature bugs are going to be harder to find, as they will burrow down farther into the ground or trees, so don’t hesitate to get some mealworms (dried or live) or some higher protein foods.


If you would like more information regarding options to provide water options for your birds, follow this link to learn more: 

Provide Water for Your Summer Birds