How to Defeat Squirrels
Can you really blame critters for taking advantage of the free buffet at your backyard feeders? Finding food is a full time job for them and when they find your unprotected bird feeders, they must believe they have hit the proverbial jackpot!
Some see squirrels visiting feeders as an issue. We see a solution. With the proper food, feeders and accessories, you can enjoy your birds and limit squirrel incursions.
Hot Pepper:
Our exclusive WBU hot pepper foods help deter critters, saving the food for the birds. Birds love our hot pepper foods, whether they are the seed or no-melt cylinders, no-melt suet cake, or Bark Butter Bits. For best results, use feeders that have a roof to prevent wet weather from diluting or washing away the hot pepper oils.
Offer safflower; a small, white seed that is high in protein and fat. Most song birds eat safflower, while squirrels (and blackbirds) typically do not. Click HERE to learn about the two different options for safflower and how they help keep pesky critters and grackles away.
Guard Against Them:
Take delight not only in seeing the finches, chickadees and other colorful birds you enjoy, but also in frustrating the squirrels, blackbirds and pigeons. With our On Guard™ cages, you control the size of bird that dines at your feeder. Cages allow small birds to go in and out to get their food but stop larger birds and animals from entering. Our cages will fit a variety of feeder styles and sizes.
Top-of-the-Line Option: The Eliminator™
Hasta la Vista Squirrels!
Protect your bird seed bounty from squirrels with our Eliminator™ bird feeder. When a squirrel touches the perch ring, its weight closes the seed ports, foiling its seed-stealing plot.The Eliminator's unique weight-sensitive technology allows you to set the sensitivity level, you can also exclude large birds such as pigeons or doves. It's easy to hang, holds three and a half quarts of seed and is backed with a limited lifetime guarantee. This feeder also features a special seed ventilation system that helps keep seed fresher. It's easy to hang, holds about three quarts of seed and is backed with a limited lifetime guarantee. The Eliminator can be disassembled and assembled with no tools, and all of its parts are top shelf dishwasher safe. It works best when used with our APS Short Extended Deck Arm.
Baffle Your Squirrels: 
Sooner or later these cute little members of the rodent family are probably going to cross over the line at your feeders. Often agile beyond belief and seemingly able to solve complex problems, squirrels can consume large amounts of bird feed and may damage expensive feeders. Some baffles are made for hanging above the feeder and some baffles can attach to poles if you have a feeder station setup.
Our Advanced Pole System® (APS) Squirrel Baffle is designed to help make your bird feeding station squirrel-resistant. These stovepipe durable, powder-coated steel baffles can make it virtually impossible for a squirrel to climb onto your pole or mounted feeders. Place the baffle on your setup so the top of the baffle is 4½' - 5' from the ground. Place your setup at least 10 feet away from any tree, bush, fence, or any other horizontal jumping points which a squirrel can jump directly onto the feeders.
If you hang your feeder from a tree, accessible only from above, use a standard tube or hopper feeder with a domed squirrel baffle above. Position the dome directly above the feeder to stop squirrels from climbing down the hanging chain or wire.