Recycling isn't just for plastics anymore-
Many things can be recycled including your uneaten food scraps. Whether it's something simple like spreading your used coffee grounds onto your garden or cleaning out your unwanted electronics. Try recycling something other than plastic.
To find a suitable electronics collection site near us or free mail-back program click the following link WI DNR electronics recycling lists
For ideas on how to start an At Home Compost for your food scraps check out this great resource from the WI Lions organization Scrap Like a Lion here they list facts, frequently asked questions, and ideas to help reduce your food waste. According to their website $1,866 is the cost of food wasted in a WI household per year. On average, every Wisconsinite throws away 294 pounds of food a year, resulting in 8.9 million tons of waste going to landfills*. This is something to think about if your looking for a way to start changing the world at home.
For Compost Recycling: Don't forget your yard waste can be recycled too- drop here at this location. Eventually it will turn into compost for future plants.
City of Janesville Composting Facility is located at Black Bridge Road E of Hwy 51, Janesville, WI 53545. To contact City of Janesville Composting Facility, call (608) 755-3110
picture: One Green Planet