Today, make a difference in your own little piece of Earth, your backyard.
Planting a pollinator garden can be as elaborate or simple as you'd like it to be.
Bees and other pollinating insects are critical to biodiversity and our food supply. The simple truth is that without pollinators, we could not survive. To start, a pollinator garden select a variety of native plant species that bloom from early spring to late fall. These can include annuals, perennials, shrubs, and bushes.This garden can be large if you have the space or as small as a window planter—everyone can create an oasis for our pollinator friends.
Don't know where to start?
No worries we have several great resources to help guide you. Today through May 1st our pollinator books are 15% off to help you jump start your own haven for our busy hardworking friends.
For more information on you can help save WI native pollinators click WI DNR Pollinator website this great resource with tips & tricks you can implement in your yard as well as answers many common questions about them.
Remember: Native plants are specifically adapted to their local climate and soil conditions. That means that they’ll need less water, less fertilizer, and less maintenance from you! Native plants evolved in tandem with native wildlife, and are uniquely suited to support them.
And if your in the store don't forget to stop by and grab a free packet of wildflower seeds while we have available- we parterened with one of our vendors The Naked Bee, who makes bee friendly products, to supply these free seed packets to promote the growth of bee populations!