If you can't plant a tree, take some time getting to know one
It's no secret that our songbirds are on a sharp decline.
However not everyone can go outside and plant a tree therefore if you can’t plant one, take some time getting to know one. Are you able to name the trees & birds who occupy your favorite walking path, yard, or park? Education is key to helping our future generations maintain our Earth's legacy & the best education is oftentimes hands on experience.
Some local and great resources available for you:
The Janesville Park District has a whole section on local trees- which insects harm them, tree & shrubbery requirements: hazardous to passersby, etc. check out the following site for more information: https://www.janesvillewi.gov/departments-services/public-works/parks-division/tree-information
Janesville Urban Forest Alliance and The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources prepared and distributed a tree planting guide to help you determine what tree is a best fit for your yard- the following link is a great resource to utilize before making those big decisions.