Using recycled plastic to create

SUN – Challenge: Using recycled plastic to create something with your friends & family.

Two billion pounds of plastics are collected each year for recycling. Show the youth in your life some of the ways they can use that recycled plastic. A perfect example of this would be putting together one of our kits. This week our recycled plastic and wooden kits are 30% off. These are perfect to help start that conversation of why we have an Earth Day while working with your family to create something together. What better way to help educate the youth about the importance of taking care of our planet then getting them outside and experiencing it.




Looking for some ideas to make at home?? 

Make a DIY Bird Feeder Using a Recycled Plastic Container from PBS Utah has a great how to

Project Learning Tree- which has several ideas 

Fun DIY Bird Feeders from Cornell Ornithology Lab